--- hide-toc: true --- (about_us)= # The ArviZ project ArviZ is an open source project aiming to provide tools for Exploratory Analysis of Bayesian Models that do not depend on the inference library used. ArviZ brings together people from several probabilistic programming libraries and from multiple programming languages. ArviZ will always be free for everyone to use and released under OSI approved open source licenses such as the Apache License (Version 2.0) or the MIT License. The ArviZ team work in the open on [GitHub](https://github.com/arviz-devs) with the input of the whole community and consensus of its core contributors. For more information about our governance approach, read our {ref}`governance`. ## Our libraries ::::{grid} 1 1 2 2 :gutter: 3 3 4 5 :::{grid-item-card} :link: https://julia.arviz.org :class-card: sd-text-center +++ ArviZ.jl ::: :::{grid-item-card} :link: https://python.arviz.org :class-card: sd-text-center +++ ArviZ.py ::: :::{grid-item-card} :link: https://einstats.python.arviz.org :class-card: sd-text-center +++ xarray-einstats ::: :::: ## Sponsors and institutional partners ::::{grid} 3 3 6 6 :::{include} cards/partner-logos.md ::: :::{include} cards/sponsor-logos.md ::: :::: :::{toctree} :hidden: our_team support sponsors_partners roadmap ::: :::{toctree} :caption: Governance :hidden: governance/index elections/README :::